Success rates

The probability of success with IVF treatments depends upon a number of factors like the age of the woman, the cause of infertility, the quality of eggs retrieved and the quality of the semen

The single most consistent variable affecting ovarian reserve is the woman’s age. This is because a woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have. In most women in their 20s about 2/3 of the eggs are genetically normal or balanced. However, there will be some that are genetically abnormal or unbalanced. It appears that the best eggs are ovulated first. The older a woman is, the fewer genetically balanced eggs she has left to respond to fertility drugs. This age relationship holds true even in the fertile population. At age 35 about 40-50% of eggs are chromosomally normal, at age 40 about 10-20% and then much fewer after that. Therefore, in older women fewer normal embryos are available for implantation into the uterus. Hence, healthy women over 35 are less fertile than their younger counterparts. Women 40 and over may have only a 20% live birth rate with IVF treatment using their own eggs, even though several embryos are replaced into the uterus.

The success rate for having a baby depends a great deal upon the type of treatment e.g. IVF treatment or donor egg etc. After a certain age, the probability of successfully having a baby increases considerably with a donor.

National records:
  • 2013 N. K a 56 years old lady is the oldest woman in Albania to give birth using IVF with donated eggs.
  • 2016 the 1st live birth after In Vitro Maturation of non mature eggs
  • 2017 the 1st live birth after frozen eggs.

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